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Things to know: Why this small incision is finally made under the gas cylinder, you will be surprised to know the fact

Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is used in our daily lives. Making food every day depends on it. As you may have noticed, there are small holes under the LPG cylinder in the kitchen. At the very bottom, on which the whole load of the cylinder rests. Have you ever wondered why this is so? In fact this is not a fashion item, but there are signs behind it. Let's find out what the facts are

The section below the cylinder is very useful
In fact this intersection is used to control the temperature of the gas. How often does it happen that the temperature of the gas cylinder rises too much? At such times air passes through the incision. Which controls the temperature. At the same time this part of the cylinder is also protected from heat. Altogether this cut protects the gas cylinder from accidents.

Why the cylinders are the same
Gas belongs to any company, it has some other things in common. Such as the color and size of the cylinder. Indeed, the color of the gas cylinder is kept red so that it can be seen from a distance. In this case, the transport of the cylinder is easy. Its shape is just cylindrical. You may have noticed that tankers transporting oil and gas are also of this shape. Indeed, gas and oil are dispersed in equal amounts in a cylindrical shape. In such a situation, storing gas is a safe option.

Why the smell of gas
Maybe you don't know it, but LPG gas has no smell. But along with filling the cylinder, another gas called ethyl mercaptan is also filled. This is done so that if the gas leaks, the smell starts immediately. People can avoid any kind of accident. Now you may have realized that every part of your gas cylinder is used a lot.

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