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From health / yogurt to spinach, these 8 foods will lead to diseases in the rainy season.

The more romantic the rainy season, the greater the risk of disease. This season, people are getting infected with diseases like viral, cold and flu. Doctors say that everyone should take special care of their food and drink during the rainy season. Some foods should be avoided during the rainy season.

Green leafy vegetables-

Eating vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, anise, cabbage, cauliflower should be avoided during the rainy season. According to the scientific reason behind this, the risk of bacterial and fungal infections increases significantly during the rainy season. Insects tend to grow faster in leafy vegetables. Consuming it can cause stomach upset. Therefore, avoid consuming these vegetables this season.

Street food-

The monsoon season is home to many waterborne diseases. In this, diseases like dengue and viral diseases are rapidly taking over people. According to doctors, fruits or any other food items kept in the open during the rainy season can harm your health. That is why we should also avoid eating street food from outside.

Avoid fried foods -

Avoid spicy and fried foods during the rainy season. This type of food enters the body and increases bile. Second, people's digestion is also very slow this season. Therefore, they should also avoid pakodas, samosas or fried items which can increase the problem of diarrhea and indigestion.

Dairy products-

Regular use of dairy products like yogurt should be avoided during the rainy season. Eating and drinking in the rain can have bacteria, which increases significantly in the monsoon. Eating them can cause stomach problems. Yogurt also contains bacteria, so consumption should be reduced in the rain.


The monsoon is a breeding season for fish or other marine life. This is the reason why eating fish this season can increase the risk of food poisoning. In addition, due to water pollution in the rainy season, dirt accumulates on the fish. Consumption of these fish in such conditions is detrimental to health.


Doctors say that mushrooms should be avoided even during the rainy season. Mushrooms grown directly in the soil are more susceptible to infection.

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Raw salad-

You may be wondering why you shouldn't eat salads this season that are considered healthy. Indeed, avoid eating anything raw during the rainy season, not just salads. Also do not eat chopped fruits and vegetables, as they are also infested with insects.

More non-veg- our digestive power is very weak in the rainy season, so it is difficult to digest more heavy food. In that case avoid non-veg eating this season.

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