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Angry girlfriend sets fire to ex-boyfriend's bike, then gets herself trapped

It may be mentioned that the woman herself had given one lakh baht or Rs 23 lakh to her boyfriend to buy a Triumph bike while having an affair. The relationship ended at a very crucial stage, and since then the girl has sought revenge on her ex-boyfriend.

According to CCTV footage of the incident, the Kanok van first goes to the bike in the parking lot with a can of petrol in hand and then pours a lot of petrol on the bike and ignites the matches. After doing this, he gets out of there and gets out of the car parked outside.

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According to LadBible, the girl's revenge fell heavily as six other vehicles parked nearby before the rescue team arrived also caught fire. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident and a major accident was averted with speedy action by firefighters.

"We were informed about the fire incident on the third floor of the parking building inside Srinakharinwirot University Prasarnmit Demonstration School," Thonglore police officer Mongkut Thanomazain was quoted as saying by LADB. The building was attached to the primary level wing of the school, but no one was injured as students were taking online classes due to the epidemic.

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Based on CCTV footage, police were able to locate the Kanok van. She was identified as the ex-girlfriend of a school employee. Van has now been arrested. He is being questioned on charges of setting fire to and damaging other people's property.

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