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Think 10 times before peeling these fruits, you will be amazed to hear the benefits

If you eat fruits, what do you do with their peel? Maybe you'll throw it away? Most people throw fruit peels in the trash, but very few people know that the peel that is thrown away as useless is beneficial to the health of the body. In this news, we are telling you about the benefits of peeling some of your fruits and its consumption.

Recent research has shown that super-flavonoids are present in the peel of orange-seasonal fruits. It helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. Also, it does not allow more pressure on the arteries during blood flow. This also protects the heart. In this news, we are going to explain the benefits of banana, potato peel and how to consume it.

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1. Benefits of banana peel

According to renowned dietitian Dr. Ranjana Singh, banana peels contain the ‘feel feed’ hormone serotonin, which reduces feelings of restlessness or sadness. It also contains an antioxidant called lutein, which protects eye cells from ultraviolet rays and reduces the risk of cataracts.

Use this way

Boil the banana peel in clean water for ten minutes. After this cool the water and strain it and drink. Can also be eaten as a vegetable.

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2. Benefits of pumpkin peel

According to renowned dietitian Dr. Ranjana Singh, pumpkin peel contains beta carotene, which can remove free-radicals. This helps prevent cancer. Apart from this the zinc present in it strengthens the nails. Pumpkin peel protects skin cells from ultraviolet rays and is also effective in boosting immunity.

Use this way

If the skin of the pumpkin is soft, cook it with vegetables, but if the skin is hard, dry it in the sun and fry it in the oven and eat it like chips. Peeled vegetables can also be used.

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3. Benefits of potato peelings

Large potato peels meet the daily requirement of zinc, iron, vitamin-C, potassium. In addition, potato peelings help a lot in boosting immunity. Because of this, digestion remains proper, as well as it proves to be effective in improving the skin.

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Use this way

According to renowned dietitian Dr. Ranjana Singh, make a paste with potato vegetable or peel. Apart from this, finely chop the potatoes and keep them in hot water-salt solution for some time and dry them in the sun and eat them like chips.

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