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Advantages and disadvantages of eating wheat bread

Gujaratis consume bread in their daily diet, but did you know that eating too much bread can also increase fat levels? Experts believe that bread has a high sugar content.

For the body, it is advisable to use thick (large) grains like millet, soybean in the diet like grains like wheat, rice and maize.

According to the doctor, millet bread was found in the daily diet in our country. But slowly food is also urbanizing people. Millet breads are now almost invisible in urban areas and with the advent of fast food, the reasons for health concerns have increased.

Bread made from wheat has very few micronutrients including minerals, vitamins, fiber, calcium, arsenic, manganese which are essential for the body. As a result, eating too much bread increases sugar in the body and increases the chances of diabetes.

Lack of micronutrients in bread leads to gluten allergy. And the body begins to swell or itch.

In such circumstances, the doctor says to stop milking wheat and eat millet.

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Carbohydrates are found in grains such as wheat, rice, and corn. It also provides fat and protein. Sorghum, millet, soybean provide protein, calcium, iron and vitamins.

(Also known as chapati) is a round flatbread in the Indian subcontinent made from whole wheat flour made from stone soil, traditionally known as wheat ka ata, and water which is mixed into dough.

 Bread is consumed in many countries around the world. Its defining characteristic is that it is yeast-free. Nan of the Indian subcontinent, by contrast, is fermented-leavened bread, like kulcha. Bread, like all over the world, is a staple of other foods.

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