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Mental Health: Annoyed by not being able to sleep at night? Make this change in lifestyle

 We all know that good sleep is very important for good health. Everyone should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep during the day. You get tired all day because you don't get enough sleep. Apart from this many types of serious diseases can occur. Not only that, not getting enough sleep increases obesity.

Some people initially ignore it, which promotes many serious diseases. The problem of sleep has increased during the period of corona, if you are also bothered by the problem of insomnia, we are giving you some tips which will benefit you.

Sit in an empty space and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and feel your breathing. You can do this procedure for 5 to 20 minutes every day. This reduces stress and can control your emotions. Meditating will help you sleep at night and you can relax without any stress.

Mantra and chanting
One can chant and chant to keep the mind calm. Chanting mantras reduces mental stress. If you can't sleep at night, chant a mantra. If you do not know any mantra, chant Om. This will make you feel better and get a good night's sleep.

Do yoga
Yoga is very beneficial for health. It relaxes your muscles and calms the mind. If you can’t sleep at night, then do 20 minutes of yoga every day. To get better results, be sure to consult a yoga expert. This will give you more benefits and you will get a good night's sleep.

Exercise is very beneficial for health. Research has shown that if a person exercises for 150 minutes for six months, his sleep will make a big difference. Working out every day helps you stay healthy and also helps you sleep better at night.If you like this post, you can share it with your family and many papiols. If you want to read another post you can find our webset and read new post.

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