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Side effects of watermelon / Watermelon causes great damage to the body, these side effects will surprise

Watermelon is called a summer gift. 92% of this delicious fruit is water, which protects the body from dehydration. Apart from this, watermelon is also rich in nutrients that benefit the body. It also contains plant chemicals like Vitamin-A, Vitamin-B6, Vitamin-C, Potassium and Lycopene. Although this fruit is very beneficial for the body, but doctors say that its excess consumption also harms the body.

Diarrhea or indigestion - Watermelon is considered to be a very good source of water and dietary fiber. However, consuming too much of it can lead to problems like diarrhea, bloating and gas.

Experts say that the sorbitol found in watermelon is a sugar compound. This compound is thought to be responsible for flatulence or diarrhea. Apart from this a substance called lycopene can also increase such problems. It is a pigment oxidant that gives watermelon a red color.

Glucose Levels- Experts say that watermelon can stimulate sugar levels in the body if you have diabetes. There is no doubt that watermelon is a healthy fruit, but it is very high in glycemic. Therefore, before taking it, please consult a doctor.

Liver swelling - Doctors say that anyone who constantly consumes alcohol should avoid consuming large amounts of watermelon. High levels of lycopene along with alcohol have a bad effect on the body.

If people who drink alcohol regularly or consume large amounts of watermelon, they have an increased risk of liver inflammation. Increased oxidative stress on the liver can be extremely dangerous for the body.

Over-hydration- Over-hydration is a medical condition in which the patient's body becomes dehydrated. This lowers the sodium level in the body. Watermelon contains 92% water, too much of which can lead to over-hydration.

Doctors say that if the amount of water in the body is not controlled, it increases the blood volume. This can cause swelling, fatigue and kidney weakness in the legs. Sudden drop in sodium levels also harms the body.

Cardiovascular - Watermelon is considered to be a very good source of potassium. It works in many different ways to keep the body healthy. It works to maintain the body's electrolyte function and heart health.

Along with this, potassium also strengthens our bones. But what you may not know is that an overdose of it in the body promotes cardiovascular problems. Irregular heartbeat or poor pulse rate may be the result.

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