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Be careful if you live in an AC-cooler day and night: Air is very harmful to health, know the measures to avoid it

The fan air is not relieving this season of scorching heat. It is time for monsoon in many parts of the country, including Delhi-NCR. The heat is rising so much that it is not possible to live without AC or cooler. But is it always appropriate to stay in a cooler or AC?

In fact some people have a habit of always staying in the AC. AC at home, AC in the car when you get out of the house, if you reach the office then there is also AC and even if you return home, AC. Thus many people have become accustomed to staying in a cooler or AC day and night.

According to doctors and experts, it is not a good idea to stay in AC or cooler day and night. It can cause many kinds of damage to health. This habit has a bad effect on our body, our health. Experts do not say do not use AC or cooler, but they advise to use it less. Let’s find out how staying in an AC-cooler all the time affects health.

Weakening of immunity

AC creates an artificial temperature around us. This means that the outside temperature is between 32 and 44 degrees, but the room temperature is between 16 and 28 degrees. This artificial temperature affects our immunity. So if you are always sick, this may be one of the reasons behind it. Sitting in AC for 4-5 hours or more hardens the mucus glands. There is a risk of sinus.

From Dark Skin to Obesity

In a short time the space gets cooled by the AC and sitting there does not use much of our body's energy. It causes body fat to increase. This increases the risk of obesity.

Prolonged sitting in AC and cooler reduces moisture in the skin of the body. It causes the skin to become dry. Therefore, people who spend time in the skin pathologist AC are advised to apply moisturizer at 1-2 hour intervals so that there is no lack of moisture in the skin.

Headache, joint pain, muscle pain

Constantly sitting in a cold place with an AC or cooler causes muscle soreness, according to the report. It can also cause headaches. Sitting in an AC-cooler can also cause joint pain.

Risk of chest cold, fungal infection etc.

Excessive cooling of the cooler-AC can have a bad effect on your chest. Coughing or fungus infections can also occur in the chest of normal people if you are sleeping in AC and not wearing a sheet or blanket. People with asthma or respiratory disease should not sleep with asthma.

What to keep in mind when using an AC-cooler
  • Filter before using a cooler
  • When using a cooler, AC, be careful that air does not fall directly on you.
  • Clean it before using AC-Cool. Replace the cooler shift every season.
  • Do not lower the temperature below 20 degrees.
  • The temperature outside and inside the room should ideally not be more than 4 distances.
  • If this distance is too much, do not enter the room immediately after coming from outside and do not go on the road immediately after leaving the room.
  • The best thing is that you get in the habit of living in a natural environment and tolerating it. Resources should not be overly dependent.

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